Home > Artworks > Miguel Angel Sainz Gonzalez

Photo of Miguel Angel  Sainz Gonzalez Mexico

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29.53 x 21.65 in
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NAME: Miguel Angel Sáinz González

EMAIL: angelus044@hotmail.com


0pt 40.5pt; text-indent:-40.5pt; tab-stops: 40.5pt "> 1981-87 Elementary School "General Teófilo Álvarez Borboa" Culiacán Sinaloa.

1987-90 High School "Federal No. 6" Culiacan, Sinaloa.

1990-93 High School "Dr. Salvador Allende "University of

Of Sinaloa.

EN "> 1995-98 The career of painting. School of Visual Arts at the University

Autónoma de Sinaloa.


1999 Solo exhibition "Art Square" held at the Vincent Square

Navolato Guerrero, Sinaloa.

2003 Solo exhibition "vital element" Sala de Arte Joven "Difocur.

Culiacan, Sinaloa.

2003 Solo exhibition "vital element" Badiraguato Sinaloa.

2004 Solo Exhibition "Dragonflies" Caffé Cuadratto.


1996 Exhibition "Rising College" Gallery "José Luis Cuevas"

60pt "> In the Autonomous University of Sinaloa.

1998 Exhibition "Rising College" Gallery "José Luis Cuevas"

Autonomous University of Sinaloa.

Times New Roman "> 1998 Exhibition "Ernesto Ríos and Friends" V COBAES Cultural Festival,

Mocorito, Sinaloa.

1999 Exhibition "Firsts" and celebrating Sinaloense Plastic Association.

New Roman "> Culiacan, Sinaloa.

2000 1st. Alumni Exhibition Miguel Sainz "Brightness Fall."

Universidad Casa Blanca, Culiacan, Sinaloa.

2001 Sinaloenses Artists Group Show "20 20 X 20" Art Gallery

Ground Floor, DIFOCUR. Culiacan, Sinaloa.

2002 yes "> Sinaloenses Artists Group Show" Treatment and Self Portraits "

Floor Art Room, DIFOCUR. Culiacan, Sinaloa.

2002 2nd. Miguel Student Exhibition Sáinz and Gloria Beltrán, "Brightness

Fall, "Casino de la Cultura. Culiacan, Sinaloa.

2002 Sinaloenses Artists Group Show "A flor de Piel" Sala de Arte

Modern DIFOCUR. Culiacan, Sinaloa.

2005 Exhibition "The Life and Death" Difocur.

text-indent:-35.4pt "> 2007 Colombian-Mexican group exhibition "THE UNITY OF THE DISPERSE" Colombia.


1997 First Biennial of Painting "Alfredo Zalce" Morelia Michoacán.

1998 Hall of Plastic XVIII Sinaloense, Biennial. Art Gallery "Frida Kahlo"

yes "> Culiacan Sinaloa.

1999 Painting Competition López Sáenz, Museum Angela Peralta, Mazatlán, Sinaloa.

2000 XIX Hall of Plastic Sinaloense, Biennial, Art Gallery "Frida Kahlo"

0pt "> Culiacan, Sinaloa. Getting one of his works "Honorable Mention.

2001 Painting Competition "López Sáenz, Museum Angela Peralta, Mazatlán,

yes "> Sinaloa.

2001 Eighth Biennial of Plastic Arts of the Northwest Museum facilities

Art of Sinaloa (MASIN).

2002 XX Hall of Plastic Sinaloense Biennale, Art Gallery "Frida Kahlo"

Culiacan, Sinaloa. Getting a Honorable Mention of their works.

2003 Ninth Biennial of Plastic Arts of the Northwest Museum facilities

0pt "> Art of Sinaloa (MASIN).

2005 X Biennial of Plastic Arts of the Northwest Museum facilities

Art of Sinaloa (MASIN).

0in 0pt "> 2007 XI Biennial of Plastic Arts of the Northwest Museum facilities

Art of Sinaloa (MASIN).

2008 Hall XXIII Bienal Plástica Sinaloense, Art Gallery "Frida Kahlo"

Culiacan, Sinaloa.

Roman ">

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